Site Content ©2015 Matt Jolly, Gee King, Josh Fewtrell, Jemma Aldridge all rights reserved. Photographs ©2015 Paul Jolly all rights reserved.

Inside the book

ISBN 978-1-32-076649-4

First edition April 2015

The Book

Making the book

Take a look inside


Where is it available?

Currently the book is being processed ready for general release on Amazon and other book distributors. However, this could take a few weeks. In the mean time click on the link on this page for ordering the book.

Is it available on e-book?

We are working on a e-book version, this will not be released until May 22nd at the earliest due to the authors others commitments.

Will you be updating the book with more ideas?

We would love to do a second version, however at this time the authors are completing their university degree and do not have the availability. So maybe in the future.

Who is the book suitable for?

This book is suitable for anybody looking to entertain children. Packed full with a wide range of activities suitable for a variety of ages. Teachers, parents, careers, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Pick up a copy and Get Roped In.

Please note some activities may be suitable for children to complete independently, depending on age, i.e. skipping rhymes. Please use your own discretion.

Can I use some of your photos?

If you would like to use any of the photos available through this website please contact us using the contact page. Or alternatively contact Paul Jolly through his web page.

Why buy this book?

Well apart from the brilliant (even if we do say so ourselves) ideas, you would be helping four university students whose assignment is to make the project a lasting legacy.

The authors do not accept any liability for any loss or injury that may occur from the use or misuse of this book.

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